I am pleased to share the 2017 Cancer Trials Australia Annual Report.
Download the 2017 Annual Report Here.
2017 saw expansion of CTA membership and significant growth in CTA services for our Members. By welcoming Linear Clinical Research in August 2017, CTA developed an important relationship in Western Australia, expanding our services across three states. This is anticipated to grow to four states by the end of 2018.
All full-service Members renewed their service agreements, and numerous non-service Members became service Members.
CTA service metrics improved in 2017; feasibilities resulting in studies grew 15%, clinical trial submissions increased to 173, contracts executed grew 14%, clinical trials opened increased by 11%, patients accrued to trials grew 34%, non-commercially sponsored trials increased 59% and non-oncology ethics submissions expanded by 63%. The CTA finance team issued close to 4,000 invoices on behalf of our Members, and greater than $19M was distributed to CTA Members, up 24% on the previous year.
Key programs in 2017 included (i) expansion of services provided to Members, (ii) enhanced customised reporting for service Members, (iii) conduct of 30 Tumour Network meetings, (iv) hosting of both Tumour Group chairs and Research Managers forums, (v) representation at numerous national and international meetings, and (vi) redesign of the CTA website.
This momentum has also helped ensure a productive start to 2018; we have welcomed two new Members (Epworth Foundation and Calvary Central Districts Hospital), executed an agreement with the VCCC to provide site management services for their Investigator Initiated Trials program, implemented the Velos eResearch CTMS at additional hospitals and represented the sector on a focussed trade mission to China, as well as trips to both ASCO and Bio.
Cancer Trials Australia is better positioned than ever to add significant value to both our Members and the clinical trial sector, and I would like to take the opportunity to thank all CTA staff, as well as network Member personnel, for all the hard work they undertake that is essential to enable the CTA network to flourish.
For a hard copy of the report please contact [email protected]
Kurt Lackovic
Chief Executive Officer