Cancer Trials Australia (CTA) is pleased to announce execution of a Services Agreement with the VCCC to provide Site Management Services for the VCCC’s Investigator Initiated Trial Program. Professor Grant McArthur said, “This new program provides access to resources to support development, application and management of selected trials and will also teach us how to generate and assist more of these trials in future. This is a key strategic priority for the VCCC and will enhance the overall clinical trials capacity across our alliance.”
Cancer Trials Australia CEO Dr Kurt Lackovic said, “We are excited to be providing our services for this important program, ensuring a coordinated approach to the administration of investigator initiated trials across VCCC members, which will help maximise benefits of cutting edge research to Victorian cancer patients sooner.”
CTA congratulates Professor Lindeman who has been awarded the VCCC’s first Investigator-Initiated Trial support package for his PAVEN trial, which aims to evaluate the effects of adding venetoclax to the current gold standard therapy to treat estrogen receptor (ER) and BCL-2 positive metastatic breast cancer.
Expressions of interest for Stage 2 of the VCCC Investigator-Initiated Trials program will open in August, further information can be found here.